Creating your Profile

A guide to creating your artist profile on Casting Cloud.


Casting Cloud is a digital casting platform that enables artists, agents and producers to collaborate and share inforamtion throughout the casting journey. After signing up to Casting Cloud one of the first things you will be required to do is create an Artist Profile. This includes information like your name, headshots, PDF CV and optionally any show reels.

The important aspects of your profile are:

  • Personal Information: within your profile you are able to provide personal inforamtion. Be aware this inforamtion is made available to producers when you choose to submit, or is accessible to producers out of audition if you choose to mark your profile as public.
  • Representation: you can connect your profile with an agency which is representing you. This allows both yourself and that agency the ability to edit your profile, make submissions, and accept auditions on your behalf. We recommend linking your account so you both have access to important information throughout the casting journey
  • Showcase: your profile is used throughout the Casting Cloud application to showcase you and help producers identify you. Please be mindful when uploading headshots and any supporting showreels.

Artist Profile Video

Creating your account

Begin by creating an Artist Casting Cloud account. There is no cost associated and you can signup here.

If you are an individual artist select your account type as Artist. This covers both self represented or artists who are represented by an agency.

Creating your profile

To be able to make submissions and accept auditions you will need to create an Artist Profile. You can do this from the left hand menu by clicking on My Profile. Begin by providing your details. If you are under the age of 17 you are required to nominate a gaurdian who will be present with you throughout the audition process.

Agent Representation

If you are presently represented by an agent you are able to define this by selecting the toggle 'Does an agent represent you?'. Below Artist Details you will now see an additional section of your profile where you can provide Agent Details.

You are able to link your profile with an Agent. This will provide both yourself and the agency shared access to your profile, submissions and auditions. Allowing both parties the ability to create, edit and delete. To link your account with an Agent search for the agency within the Link With Agent dropdown.

Unable to find your agent? If you are unable to find your agent, simply provide your agents details and leave your profile unlinked. You can inform your agent that you were unable to link your profie and request them to signup upon which you can link your profile.

Supporting Media

Within your profile you are able to provide Headshots, CVs and Showreels. This inforamtion will be made available to producers throughout the casting process and at any point in time you can update it.

Public Profiles

If you wish to make your profile public, this will enable producers and creatives to find your profile and engage with you outside of a briefing period. This is optional and by default your profile will remain private until you choose to make a submission.

Getting help

If at any time you run into trouble or need assistance please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support team at